Resetting Your Financial Thermostat – PDF

This exercise will be used to find your team’s comfort level or financial thermostat setting. We can’t change the temperature for these folks as leaders until we know exactly where they are. Once we know where they are, we will give them the perspective they need to make these changes a permanent part of who they are.

  1. Write down your personal best monthly income. The biggest number you have ever made in a single month. (60 seconds)
  2. Write down your DREAM monthly income goal. (60 seconds)
  3. Write out a LIST of pleasurable things to come. What would you do with this dream income? Vacation spots? Christmas list? Charities you would donate more to? Help a family member? Dream house or property? (3 to 5 minutes)
  4. Now using the list you’ve just made, close your eyes and play your movie of your ideal day. What time do you wake up? Where are you? Who is with you? How does your body feel? What do you have planned knowing you’ve achieved your dream and you can have anything you want? Write out a short story of EXACTLY what you do during this day! (15 minutes)
  5. Write down a LIST of not so pleasurable things. What are some things that you are NOT comfortable with in your current situation? Medical bills Don’t have a vehicle to call your own? No health insurance? Late payments each month? Current living situation? Can’t afford a vacation?
  6. Now, using the list you have just made I want you to write a letter to yourself about how you truly feel regarding your current situation. Tell yourself how it makes you feel when you look at the things you aren’t HAPPY with. What will your life look like 10 years from today if you don’t DECIDE to take control, right NOW? Write it down.

That was tough, right?! Some big realizations there…LET’s FIX EM NOW!!



  1. Write out a LIST of 3 to 5 of your HEROES!
    1.2 Write out a LIST of CHARACTER TRAITS regarding EACH of your heroes.
    1.3 Was their a common trait among your heroes? What is the single most important CHARACTER TRAIT that you want to define you?
  2. Write out a LIST of 3 to 5 actions you must improve in order to achieve your dream life and dream income goal.
  3. Plug your TRAIT and your ACTIONS into an affirmation
    “I am first name last name and I am character trait to be known for.”
    “I choose now to be character trait and execute action, action, action because that is who I am.”
    “I choose now to be
    character trait and receive dream income goal because that is who I am!

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